Japanese Zodiac Netsuke
With Mortar
Netsuke Signature: Eiichi, circa: Late 19th Century
The Netsuke Handbook byUeda Reikichi, #94
Netsuke, A Comprehensive Study Based On The
M T Hindson Collection" by
Neil K Davey, #278
1.75 in.(4.5cm.), w. 1.25 in.(3cm.), d. 1 in.(2.5cm.)
Condition: Excellent
charming netsuke depicts the Lunar Rabbit standing on the cloud bank, mixing the
elixir of life with pestle and mortar. A story of Chinese origin in which the
Lunar Rabbit is a pet of the moon goddess Shang-or. She was the Queen of a tyrant
king. For fear that his tyranny would impose endless suffering to the people,
Shang-or consumed all his elixir and immediately became an immortal. She then
raised up to the moon with her rabbit in arms.
superb artistry of this netsuke lies in its restraint. By avoiding redundant details,
the carver has succeeded in creating a compact and bold composition, which conveys
sophistication in its design as a netsuke. The netsuke has a rich honey colored
patina with an even shine. and is in mint condition. A similar netsuke by Shigemasa
is currently in the collection of the University of Pennsylvania.